
Everything Goes Gray...

There comes a moment in one's life, a moment of vision, a moment when you feel a need to become that something you were always kind of too scared to be, a moment of clarity if you will, a moment when your insides compel you to face the world, all its shades, all its textures, its sounds, its colours.
This is no such moment.
To put it plainly, this 'moment' has been spurred by nothing of the above. It is not that time just yet.
This is an attempt to seek out the Gray in life.

The Gray Notes are born.


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfHwZzMH_ug

    "Grey’s my favorite color
    Black and white has never been my thing"

  2. Welcome to the blog world RaRa :) It's going to be one exciting ride :)


What do you think? x Ra-Ra